The Old Covenant Law of Moses: Lev 19:16-18; 33-34:
NOTE: the “neighbor,” i.e., “brother” = fellow Israelites only!
NOTE: sounds like the so-called Golden Rule of Jesus, right?
So what was novel about the NC Law of Jesus when it comes to loving your enemy? Mat 5:38-48
Read, Leviticus 24:15-23
Read, Deuteronomy 19:16-21
Hays, Moral Vision of the NT, pp. 324-25:
The Torah “prohibits murder, but Jesus forbids even anger. [In Mat 5.38-42] Jesus actually overrules the Torah [e.g.,] Deuteronomy insists, ‘Show no pity,’ Jesus says, ‘Do not resist an evildoer.’ [The Torah’s] concern for maintaining stability and justice is supplanted by Jesus’ concern to encourage nonviolent, long-suffering generosity on the part of those who are wronged. This extraordinary change of emphasis constitutes a paradigm shift that effectually undermines the Torah’s teaching about just punishment for offenders.”
Did his Apostles practiced what Jesus preached? Read, Luke 9:51-56
Read, Mat 26.47-56
Overturning yet another OC Law, Ex 22.2, a home intruder “beaten to death” yet “no one is guilty of bloodshed.”
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
Hays, Moral Vision:
“There’s no foundation whatever in the Gospel of Matthew for the notion that violence in defense of a third party is justifiable. In fact, Matt 26.51-52 serves as an explicit refutation of this idea.”
The violent followers of Jesus typified by Gamaliel’s speech: Read, Acts 5.35-39
Pentecost pacifists:
NOTE: Obedience, honor to the State does not mean joining the State!
Remember, the gods of the nations are demons: Ps 95.5!
“Whoever lives by the sword WILL DIE by the sword.”
NOTE: In the NT Christian lethal violence is always eschatological, i.e., pertaining to the ge to come, the establishment of the KOG!
Recommended Reading:1. Bercot, David, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down. 2. Bonhoeffer, D, The Cost of Discipleship. 3. Boyd, Gregory, The Myth Of A Christian Nation. 4. Brensinger & Sider, Within the Perfection of Christ. 5. Camp, Lee, Mere Discipleship. 6. Clouse, R.G. War: Four Christian Views. 7. Dodge, D.L. War Inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ. 8. Drescher, J.M. Why I Am a Conscientious Objector. 9. Egan, Peace Be With You: Justified Warfare or the Way of Non-Violence. 10. Ford, J.M. My Enemy is My Guest. 11. Gray, J.G. The Warriors: Reflection of Men in Battle. 12. Grossman, On Killing. 13. Harnack, Militia Christi. 14. Kalantzis, Caesar and the Lamb.15. Claibourne, S, Jesus for President. 16. Joseph, S.J. The Nonviolent Messiah. 17. MacArthur, John, Why Government Can’t Save You. 18. McCarthy, E.C. Christian Just War Theory: The Logic of Deceit. 19. MLK, Strength to Love. 20. Roth, J.D. Choosing Against War. 21. Sprinkle, P. Fight: A Christian Case for Non-Violence. 22. Stassen & Gushee, Kingdom Ethics. 23. Taylor, Dean, A Change of Allegiance. 24. Tolstoy, Leo, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You. 25. Wink, W, Jesus and Nonviolence. 26. Yoder, J, The Politics of Jesus; What Would You Do. 27. York & Barringer, A Faith Not Worth Fighting For.